AdExchange6th Aug 2024
Reklamebørsen for juli
Tine is owned by Norwegian farmers who help maintain rural communities and cultural landscapes across the country. And in a summer month where most of us have visited or drove through sparsely populated areas, there are probably many who can relate to the statement "think that people live here". No one came close to Tine in the Advertising Exchange for July.
Results from the Advertising Exchange for July 2024
The following films were tested in the Advertising Exchange for July;
Winner of the round – Advertising awareness
GRANDIOSA (Brand film w/new Grandiosa song): 56%
In their latest film, Grandiosa reuses a number of scenes from the film "I will always love you" which has been on Norwegian screens for years. The music has been changed and the film engages far less positively than the last time we measured the "original" last winter, but the film still ensures a marginal victory in attention ahead of Tine, Bama, and Prior.
Winner of the round – Efficiency
PRIOR (Gender sorting, Eggs): TF 1.5
In a simple and informative way, Prior explains how they use new technology to avoid having to cull millions of male chicks each year because they cannot lay eggs. The message has been noticed by many, and the film is actually the one that delivered the most efficient attention in relation to TV pressure in July.
Winner of the round – Branding
GRANDIOSA (Brand film w/new Grandiosa song): 90%
With the reuse of scenes from one of the longest-running commercials on Norwegian TV, Grandiosa secures the strongest branding of the round.
Winner of the round – Liking
TINE (Proper farmers): 38%
Many will probably nod in recognition of the feeling "think that people live here". National romanticism, recognition, and proper farmers seem to be a successful recipe for Tine who takes home both the liking and overall victory for July.
Other films worth a comment:
Ice (Car mode)
Ice has launched a number of new films recently. While "just when it rains" noted a second place in liking in June, "car mode" repeats the feat in July. The films are by far the most liked films we have seen from Ice in the Advertising Exchange, and it will be exciting to see if Ice can continue the success moving forward.