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Reklamebørsen for august Extra

Fruit and veg Duel between Arch-rivals Kiwi and Extra

The advertising exchange for August offered up a little fruit and veg duel between arch-rivals Kiwi and Extra. It's hardly a coincidence; around the same time as the Directorate of Health released new dietary guidelines, the chains launched new campaigns to help us eat more vegetables. The films went with the month's highest pressure and also received the highest attention, but it was Vipps that won the most hearts.

Results from the Advertising Exchange for August 2024

The following films were tested in the Advertising Exchange for August:

Overall winner of the round – Positive brand awareness

KIWI – Fruit and Veg, profile

Kiwi wants to cut prices on healthy food to make us eat healthier. Previously, they have cut the price equivalent to the VAT on fruit and vegetables while this time they are "inviting to a price war". With a very recognizable expression, the film delivers the best of all on attention and branding, and thus no one could compete with Kiwi overall despite Kiwi's film only delivering mid-range on liking. However, 15 percent positive brand awareness is among the weaker scores among overall winners in recent years.

Winner of the round – Advertising attention, Efficiency, and Branding

KIWI – Fruit and Veg, profile

Kiwi invites to a price war on healthy food to get people to eat healthier. At least that's how they communicate it themselves, and with both clear brand markers and in many ways an established message, it was Kiwi that clearly most remember having seen advertising for in August.

Winner of the round – Liking

Vipps – Checkout in Vipps

Vipps is very, very simple, a message that has underpinned a number of films that have done well in the Advertising Exchange in recent years. It was a victory for liking this time as well, even though the victory was narrow and 27% positive is a bit behind the best-liked films from Vipps.

Other films worth a comment:

Find Job – Last Email

Find Job has delivered several well-liked films in recent years and although the character "Monday" did not appeal equally well to everyone when he was launched in 2022, this is the first time a film from Find Job provokes more than it is liked. With only 16% positive and a whole 26% negative, it's hard not to use the expression "blue Monday" for Find Job this time even though the film both delivered effective attention and scored "quite ok" on liking among men.

Extra – Always 8

5 a day is history, now we should ideally eat a whole 8 portions of fruit and veg every day. Because it's so healthy, not because the old goal has been reached (we eat on average less than 3 portions). Extra has picked up the ball and tells us that "you always get 8" at Extra, without going more into what this actually means beyond that you can now end up sitting with an enormous amount of fruit and veg that you can give to a chosen teacher.

The film achieved good attention, partly driven by solid pressure on both the main film and evidence films on TV. In the battle for fruit-and-veg customers, Extra must admit defeat to Kiwi on all parameters (attention, branding, and liking) in this round of the Advertising Exchange.