Trekpleister knows that thinking along and a positive outlook makes all the difference. Health is pre-eminently the category where advice and attention are important and where Trekpleister, as a real neighbourhood chemist, is strongest.
Target group insights as a basis for media choices:
Our research* showed:
- 70% of women 30-65 actively search for offers on self-care products.
- The older the target group, the higher the affinity/selectivity with the topic of health.
- This ever-growing target group further needs an authentic and personalised message that inspires and offers practical solutions.
(*Audience Origin is a data platform that provides insight into consumer behaviour, interests and media preferences).
With Architect Audience, we researched media behaviour and determined the best touchpoints per campaign layer. Thanks to Q-Reach analysis*, we were able to optimally allocate the budget across channels and achieve maximum impact. (*GroupM research that compared the ‘awareness impact’ of advertising opportunities in different media. )