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Digital technology that boosts revenue in retail

Circle K needs to expand its services to compete globally. We developed a digital strategy using Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) for personalized advertising. This has significantly boosted sales, and nationwide implementation could lead to a substantial increase in transactions and net revenue.

Sector: RetailBrand:Circle K
Circle K


Circle K finds itself in a category that needs to grow beyond traditional gas station services. They are facing a revolution, where powerful global players seek to dominate across diverse product areas – from charging stations and meals to convenience and lounge areas. This landscape of mixed categories necessitates that Circle K constantly works to remain prominent in customers' minds. They must ensure that they become the preferred choice in mixed purchasing decisions. In other words: Drive mental availability.


For at nå målet om at blive det brand, forbrugeren instinktivt tænker på, når de er on-the go, designede vi en digital strategi for Circle K, der anvender Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO). Denne teknologi muliggør personaliseret eller konteksttilpasset annoncering – her i programmatisk display. Ved hjælp af dataanalyse af salgsmønstre fra butikkerne kortlagde Circle K de mest populære produkter og de optimale tidspunkter for markedsføringen af dem.


Based on a geographic incrementality test, we have demonstrated DCO's ability to increase sales with a potential of more than 36 million DKK in net revenue. The test was conducted by selecting and dividing Circle K stores across the country into test and control groups based on a thorough analysis of historical sales data, ensuring a valid basis for comparison. Here, we compared the effect of DCO in the test group with a business-as-usual approach in the control group.

If we roll out the DCO strategy on a national scale, Circle K could potentially expect to achieve an impressive 173,000 additional transactions annually, with a potential for additional revenue of over 2,500,000 DKK annually from food and beverages alone.

Including all of Circle K's product lines – such as car wash, EV, and fuel, among others – these figures could scale to an annual increase of 366,600 transactions, which translates to more than 36 million DKK in net revenue.