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Mycall loves Poles and Poles love ski jumping!

Targeting a Challenging and Diverse Demographic

Sector: TechnologyBrand:Mycall


Targeting a Challenging and Diverse Demographic 

Mycall's Engagement with the Polish Community and Their Mutual Love for Ski Jumping. Mycall is a mobile telecommunications company that caters to immigrants in Norway, many of whom frequently require services to connect with family and friends at home and globally. It presents a considerable challenge to effectively reach various smaller demographic segments that differ in language, consumer behavior, and media consumption. Historically, there have been limited touchpoints that effectively engage these distinct groups within a media context. The Polish community represents the largest immigrant group in Norway and thus constitutes Mycall's primary demographic. However, they number only approximately 100,000 individuals, dispersed throughout the country, with diverse interests and lifestyles. Some reside in Norway temporarily, leaving their families back home, while others settle permanently with their families and children. 


Cultivating Engagement and Relevance within the Target Audience.

EssenceMediacom sought to devise a creative strategy to engage this demographic by leveraging personal and cultural relevance; meeting the target audience where they are and on their terms. Ski jumping is a popular and traditional sport in Poland, avidly followed by many Poles, both on television and at World Cup events. We aimed to capitalize on this enthusiasm during the Raw Air tournament in Oslo! 

Mycall has been a sponsor of Raw Air for several years, providing an excellent platform to reach a specific target audience broadly and with extreme relevance at the opportune moment; an event where we can engage with many, create a surprise factor, and demonstrate that Mycall truly understands the Polish community, their culture, and their passions. In 2023, we aimed to elevate this engagement even further! 

Creative Futures, the advertising agency of EssenceMediacom, crafted an integrated media and content solution. We deployed geotargeted custom outdoor billboards and a Snapchat filter to capture attention and drive engagement during the ski jumping weekend. Strategic placement of outdoor boards in the Holmenkollen/Frognerseteren area, coupled with a geolocated Snapchat filter around Majorstua and extending to Holmenkollen/Frognerseteren, resulted in significant visibility, audience engagement, and a strong alignment between Mycall and the event. 

While Mycall does reach the Polish community in Norway through targeted advertising in digital and social channels, and maintains a Polish language website with Polish customer service, it remains a challenge to surprise and engage through these platforms. This innovative approach allowed us to elevate our communication to a new and unexpected level for a key demographic segment for Mycall.