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Accessibility statement

EssenceMediacom is committed to Digital Accessibility

Accessibility statement

This is an accessibility statement from EssenceMediacom. We're committed to making this site as accessible as possible to the widest possible audience. To do this we're always looking to improve the site and adhere to available and relevant guidelines, standards, and principles.

For example, that means you should be able to:

Change colours, contrast levels and fonts zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen navigate most of the website using just a keyboard navigate most of the website using speech recognition software listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver).

We've also made the website text as simple as possible to understand.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

Conformance status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard.

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology has been speficially tested with the following assistive technologies:

  • Safari with VoiceOver on MacOS Ventura 13.1

  • Chrome with NVDA on Windows 10

  • Keyboard only navigation on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari is not compatible with:

  • Browsers older than 2 major versions

  • Mobile operating systems older than 3 major versions

  • Intenet Explorer (all versions)

Technical specifications

Accessibility of relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  • HTML


  • CSS

  • JavaScript

These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

Limitations and alternatives

Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of , there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations, and potential solutions. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below.

Known limitations for

1. Cookie consent banner

The cookie consent banner we use on the site may have multiple accessibility issues that could cause it to be difficult to use. These include:

Empty form labels. This fails WCAG 2.1 success criterion 1.3.1 (Info and Relationships)

Buttons with no accessible name. This fails WCAG 2.1 success criterion 1.3.1 (Info and Relationships)

This feature is provided by a third party service and we are unable to modify the code. We are however, working on changing the theme of the cookie banner to make sure that colour combinations pass guideline requirements, and will update as soon as we are able to do this. We will also raise the other accessibility concerns with the provider to see if they maybe able to help resolve them.

2. Third party videos (YouTube)

Some videos may not have transcripts or captions. Or the captions they do have may be automatically generated by the provder. This may result in some captions being innacurate. because when YouTube auto-generates captions, it does always get things exactly right, and this may change the meaning or certian phrases. We are trying to make sure we provide transcripts for all videos that contain spoken audio or embedded text on the site and just use the automatic captions as a starting point and check them over. Please use the support email provided if you encounter an issue with the videos and we can try and provide the content in a format that may be more suitable for you.

3. Non-accessible documents

Non-HTML documents availble to download from our site (case study PDFs for example), these may not be accessible to screen readers. Going forwards we will ensure that any new documents produced for download on the site will meet accessibility standards.

Assessment approach

EssenceMediacom assessed the accessibility of by the following approaches:

  • Self-evaluation

Ongoing efforts to ensure accessible content

We continually test content and features for WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliance and remediate any issues to ensure we meet or exceed the standards. Please contact us via [email protected] if you have any queries or suggestions.


This statement was created on 20 January 2023 and it was last reviewed on 30th January 2023.