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Breakthrough with Jason Jutla - Intention. Connection. Simplicity.

In this new series, we ask our people to define what 'Breakthrough' means to them, both from a career standpoint and a personal note.

This issue features Jason Jutla, Global Head of Media Solutions Labs at EssenceMediacom.

What does ‘breakthrough’ mean to you?

A breakthrough is a significant move forward, delivered incrementally. It’s rare that something changes the game in one move. Breakthroughs are the perfect mix of graft and craft; they are all about intentional change.

What’s been the most inspiring personal breakthrough in your life?

Prioritising spending time with my kids gives me immense joy. This form of escapism gives me energy for the rest of my life. Whether it’s making sure I wake up and read a story or play a game… those little moments are priceless.

It’s all about changing your perspective. A regrounding behaviour can be the smallest thing but they are so special as you’re giving undivided attention to the moment, something that’s rare in today’s world.

What was the breakthrough moment in your career?

Going to Singapore to grow [predecessor agency] Essence’s APAC office, a year into my time with the organisation. This exposed me to a range of different tasks, personalities and cultures that made me rethink how I communicate, collaborate and connect.

Tell us about a piece of work you were involved with that you would define as a breakthrough.

A particular client needed to build a plan to grow programmatic in the region. The work was delivered at 6pm one night and missed the mark completely, leaving me less than 24 hours to turn it around. I went back to basics, simplified the whole thing and the process brought a clarity to my approach that I now apply to all similar tasks.

What breakthrough in this industry - achieved by someone else - do you really admire? What do you admire about it?

New D2C brands that have brought out products with a really simple way of expressing benefits – such as clothing brand Lestrange or backpack and bag company Stubble &Co. These are ethical products that are unashamedly simple in their approach. You can see why they resonate.