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Image LOTTO (Risotto, Doggybag)

Lotto was the overall winner in this year's first Advertising Exchange

The Lotto cat Risotto continues to garner highly effective attention and wins the overall in a very close Advertising Exchange for January, ahead of Mitt Anbud, Sparebank 1, Kondomeriet, and the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

Round's Overall Winner – Positive Brand Attention
LOTTO (Risotto, Doggybag):
14% In a month where no commercials dominated across multiple parameters, it was Norsk Tipping that ultimately took home the overall victory with the narrowest possible margin. This is the first overall victory for Risotto who, except for commercial no. 2 (balcony), has delivered both highly effective attention and approved liking. Alongside the overall victory and the win in effectiveness, it also placed 5th in attention and third in both branding and liking this round. Not bad, even though it's a bit behind the levels of its predecessor, Otto.

Round's Winner – Advertising Attention
SPAREBANK 1 (All in One):
Sparebank 1 wanted to create an ironic twist on "one of those big, epic, music-driven fund commercials" that the competitor DNB is known for. Whether the general public gets the reference is unknown, but the result was at least the commercial that most remember seeing in January.

Round's Winner – Effectiveness
LOTTO (Risotto, Doggybag): TF 1.2
Lotto just missed the top spot in attention, but with one of the round's lowest TV pressures, it was enough for a clear-cut effectiveness victory for Risotto, which continues to deliver high and effective attention with moderate TV investments.

Round's Winner – Branding
MITT ANBUD (Generic): 84%
Mitt Anbud remains true to its creative expression, which contributes to this being the commercial most believed to be easy to remember who it was advertising for. However, it is worth noting that there were clearly more who thought it was VERY easy to associate the right sender with Kondomeriet in this round.

Round's Winner – Liking
Campaigns for attitudes are often liked better than advertising for products and brands, and therefore it is not surprising that the Health Directorate takes the month's liking victory.
NB! This commercial is not entirely new and aired both in 2021 and in February 2023. However, it has not been tested in the Advertising Exchange before.

Other Commercials Worth a Comment:

ICE (IceMax, It's Nice)
A full 54 percent remember seeing the family father taking his wife and kids to look at gneiss, which ALMOST held for an attention victory. With the third weakest branding of the round's commercials and slightly below-average liking, however, it only held for a seventh-place overall.

OUR ENERGY (Energy for the Next Step):
Our Energy wants to tell the Norwegian people that they sponsor the Norwegian Ski Federation. However, very few have any perception of the brand (low familiarity), and with the round's second weakest branding and weakest liking, there is little to suggest that this campaign will significantly change that. Only 1.4 percent noticed the advertisement, liked it better than other advertisements, and thought it was easy to remember who it was advertising for. This places the commercial last in the overall score in the Advertising Exchange.

NB! There were several commercials that struggled to engage the public this round, and in addition to Our Energy, both Danske Bank and Findus are among the 10 weakest commercials in the Advertising Exchange for 2023-2024 overall (as long as we have measured branding and thus had the current overall parameters in the Advertising Exchange).