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Trendstudie 2021

Danish trend study - Creating relevance in the bigger picture

We help our clients grow by being relevant – to their customers. Relevance is largely about understanding. There must be an understanding of customers' lives and daily routines to be able to understand their needs. First, we look broadly at the big picture before we can delve into the patterns and connections that emerge.

Tina Gretlund, Chief Strategy and Insights Officer, has elaborated on the process of how we at MediaCom Group create relevance for our clients' target audiences.

The Value of Relevance - The Big Picture

When we take a step back, we go to our clients' businesses and challenge them with a holistic and creative approach. We analyze data, talk to experts, and collect a lot of insights from our extensive network, and in that work, we can distill the consumer trends that are valuable to talk about. Then we are ready to help our clients understand their customers and the trends in Danish society.

The Path to Identifying Trends

In the trend study, Senior Data & Insight Lead, Lise Heiselberg, has used both primary and secondary data. And there has been a focus on Danish culture, which we have examined through interviews with consumers, experts, and influencers combined with our own quantitative surveys. In addition, we have analyzed Danish media and culture over the past years.

All Danes have been challenged on their attitudes, habits, and values

The past few years have been especially exciting to look at regarding consumer trends for Lise Heiselberg and the rest of the Data & Insights team! Covid-19 has challenged most Danes on their attitudes, habits, and values. Therefore, there are trends that have become even more pronounced, while others have been pushed into the background. The dominant trends are especially all those that are supported by digitalization, for example, online shopping and working from home. And then there are trends that have grown during the crisis – a time when we all have been forced to look at ourselves and society in a new light.

Four Trends Dominate the Picture

We believe that especially four strong consumer trends will dominate our present and near future:

  1. We Cherish Everyday Life

  2. The Land of Opportunities

  3. Sustainability

  4. Sisterhood

1. We cherish everyday life

The time spent at home has shown that everyday life can do something special: We cherish everyday life because it provides security and because everyday life means closeness. We have created a video that provides some insight into the trend.

Watch the Cherish Everyday Life video here.

2. The Land of Opportunities

For mange danskere ændrede livet sig markant i kølvandet på Corona. Nye rutiner har vist sig, og 60% af danskerne mener, at de vil holde fast i deres nye vaner og adfærd. Krisen har givet tid til rekleksion over, hvad der reelt betyder noget i livet, så der er en trend, vi kalder Mulighedernes land. Den handler om behovet for at genopfinde sig selv og at finde nye muligheder i begrænsninger.

Watch the Land of Opportunities video here.

3. Sustainability

While the world has been closed to travel, and daily traffic has been severely limited, we have seen, for example, how air pollution in cities has dropped drastically. We have also experienced that an individual's behaviour has significance for the collective, and that has renewed focus on Sustainability. 49.5% of those asked have become more conscious of the climate and their own consumption. But the jungle of messages can be difficult to navigate.

Watch the Sustainability trend video here

4. Sisterhood

Although most trends have been about changing one's habits, there is one of them that, conversely, is about standing by who you are. A fourth wave of feminism, Sisterhood, is sweeping the country, and the new generation of proud strong women is kicking the stereotypical notions of what it means to be a woman and a man. To be who you are and seize the freedom to live the life you want. Regardless of one's gender.

Watch the Sisterhood trend video here

Contact Lise Heiselberg at [email protected] or at +4520217612 for more information about the Trend Study.