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Credits and references

Closeup of dried dandelions

Credits and references

Bombora Market Insights. Year over Year Total Businesses Intent. Retrieved from

EY (2024). ‘Chief Sustainability Officer: an essential role in transforming organizations.’ Retrieved from

Google Trends Report. (2024). Sustainability Topic – Web Search Interest over time October 2011-April 2024.

Global Web Index Work (2024) Media consumption and psychographics

Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance. (2022, August 12). ‘CSOs Have More Impact When Aligned To The CEO’. Retrieved from

LinkedIn. (2023). ‘20 challenges faced by Chief Sustainability Officers and strategies to address them.’ Posted by Emergent Africa. Retrieved from

Strategy&. (2022). ‘Empowered Chief Sustainability Officers: The key to remaining credible and competitive.’ Retrieved from

TechTarget. ‘Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO).’ Retrieved from

Weinreb Group. (2023). ‘Chief Sustainability Officer Report.’ Retrieved from

World Economic Forum. (2023). ‘Q&A with Ibrahim Al-Zu'bi: The rise of the ‘Chief Sustainability Officer’ and why it matters’ Retrieved from

About the authors

Kebrina Robinson

B2B Group

The B2B Group is a specialist unit within EssenceMediacom focussed on delivering business-to-business marketing solutions in an increasingly complex marketplace.